Self/evaluation for teachers/participants of Erasmus+

Joiner 4.0 – 2023-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000154860
Key competences for VET Joiners

Workpackage 2 Activity 4 – københavn 17.03.2024 – 22.03.2024

Results oft the activity:


Number of participants:


Increase of competences:

88 %


Knowledge/understanding of reading the shop drawings presented for the lamp projects produced in Copenhagen:

Very good - 100 %

Knowledge/understanding of how to produce a lamp with wood using the Shaper Origin router incombination with standard woodworking machinery:

Very good - 100 %

Knowledge/understanding of how to transfer .svg files from Shaper Hub to the Shaper router:

Good 88 %

Knowledge/understanding of the relevant English terminology for joinery and machinery:

Average - 75 %

Verbal communication regarding production issues in the workshop:

Good 88 %

Competence of working in a team situation with students from other countries:

Good 88 %

Knowledge/understanding of how a 3D printer works:

Average - 75 %

Skills involved in writing a short script, producing and/or participating in videos:

Good 83 %

Knowledge/understanding of basic programming with AlphaCam:

Good 83 %

How satisfied are you with the training activities you experienced in Copenhagen:

Very good - 100 %

  1. Briefly describe the new skills you acquired which will enhance your individual working routine.

    First time using Shaper Origin and it was awesome.

    We will maybe try to have also a shaper machine. because I think it's a real good  machine.

    I don´t have new skills for my daily work, but i got an idea that i would like to work in a company that has digital machines like a shaper, a cnc or anything like that.

    I learned a lot working with the shaper. I'm thinking of buying it for school. The work and preparation was very pleasant.

    I think I'm gonna put my money into Shaper to keep going in Carpenter career. It's just not a hand-cnc machine, it has so many functions that connects many hand used tools together.

    Use the CNC shaper and work with 3D printer and realising assembling on solidworks.

    The start in drawing 3d models on computer will be usefull in my future studies along with improving the communication in english.

    I learned with Shaper. I saw new 3D printing technologies and new programs.

    I am comfortable using the shaper now and will take this skill with me in my future work.

    We dont have a shaper in our company otherwise  I would use my new gained skills.

    I have gained experience in teaching groups that speak different languages.

  2. How well did the program work for you while in Copenhagen?

    Very well....thanks a lot!

    The change of groups during Wednesday was unfortunate. Everything else worked perfectly.

    It was amazing because everyone is cool and laughting and i was able to use a new machine

    Program was interesting and it was exciting and fun to learn new skills.

    This week is good i learn a lot of thing   better understanding in english the program was interesting, it went fast.

    The school did a great job by organising and hosting our group. They supported us in any way. Quick response on any question and problems.

    In generel it worked well for me, but i don't mind things to be a little chaotic sometimes. It was nice to meet other students from different countries and schools..

    Working with the Shaper worked really good. I am no digital native, but the system is even for me easy to understand it is quit intuitive.

    It worked pretty well, because i think that the teachers have had a plan, wich also worked realy well.


  3. List any proposals you have which might enhance the program for future participants.
    More time :-)

    I think it would be good to have an exact plan on how everything should go and in which order, because sometimes you didn´t know exactly what the next steps are, and it would be great if you had a day, maybe the first one, on which the locals show you the city or maybe a company, so you get a feeling oft he work life in denmark.

    Add a cultural visit

    Give some more extra time for projects set focus on one or two topics only. Teaching solid works was too short...needs more time or leave it.

    Maybe different lunch than bagguetes although snacks were good.

    Would have been nice for the group to go on an excursion for example visiting a company or some sightseeing.

    Maybe the teachers should either join the workshops or do something completely else. The teachers were really nice and helpful, but sometimes it was a bit wierd/confusing that so many teachers (who are used to teach in a different way), interferred with the time timeschedule/work. I think they could learn as much about the shaper as we did, so it would be nice for everybody if they made their own projects, rather than looking over our schoulders.

  4. Please share any other comments you have which are not covered in this evaluation:
    Thank you for this week. It was very nice and your town is beautiful. It was such as pleasure to spend time here. Teachers were great and all the atmosphere were warm.

    I like students and teachers they were nice devoted the food was good

    I very much liked the way we were hosted.  All doors were opened all times and there was always a helping hand in the workshop.

    I would like to thank our teachers for this erasmus. Copoenhagen is a beautiful city and everyone here was nice.

    Sometimes we spent maybe a little too long on some things that could have been done more effective, fx everyone having to log in and draw in solidworks. It could have been done more effective with just the teacher showing it on the big screen, so we could get to work faster. I also found the breaks a little to long.

    I liked the rotating principle with which the tandems changed for the next project. It improves the group interaction. And It was great that there was time for individual projects if time was planned right.

    The work on Solid works was to much for this week. It gave a break in the work flow, and was a bit dismotivating.

    The teachers did a really great job!

    Better introduction of available tools in the workshop.