Self/evaluation for teachers/participants of Erasmus+

Joiner 4.0 – 2023-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000154860
Key competences for VET Joiners

Workpackage 3 Activity 1 – Liberec 10.11.2024 – 15.11.2024

Results oft the activity:


Number of participants:


Increase of competences:

98 %


How would you rate your knowledge and understanding of reading the shop drawings presented for the wardrobe projects produced in Liberec?

Very good - 100 %

How would you rate your knowledge and understanding of how a 3D printer works?

Very good - 100 %

How would you rate your knowledge and understanding of how to use the 3D program SketchUp for preparing files for producing the different parts for 3-D printer models (1:10)?

Good - 92 %

How would you rate your knowledge and understanding of basic programming with Woodwop 6.1 (for example: geometrics, milling, contour routing and drilling)?

Good - 96 %

How would you rate your knowledge and understanding of how to produce a wardrobe cabinet with the standard stationary machines (Edge Bender, Circular Saw, etc.) as well as the CNC machinery?

Very good - 100 %

How would you rate your knowledge and understanding of the relevant English terminology for joinery and machinery?

Good - 96 %

How would you rate your own competence (skills) of working in a team situation with students from other countries?

Very good - 100 %

How satisfied are you with the training activities you experienced in Liberec?

Very good - 100 %

  1. Briefly describe the new skills you acquired which will enhance your individual working routine
    I learned so many things about 3D Printing :)
    I was better able to understand the process of going from CAD to CAM and into the CNC machine.
    I did not learnd any new skills, sadlly
    I learned how to work with people from other countries
    I gained experience with edge moulding machine and CNC
    I got some new skills about the Sketchup programm and transforming drawings to stl files and to feed the 3D printer with it.
    I have greatly improved my communication skills, related to work processes in carpentry. In addition, I now have a better understanding of the work process in combination with CNC and stationary machines.
    Been introduced to CNC, but a little sad about we didn’t had the wood in our hands.
    Yes, I acquired new skills and Ideas, it was very great
    To plan the cuttings before you start with the actual work
    Got other insides regarding workways, due to different approaches
    I learned how to work with woodwop and with the 3 D printer,
    I got more confidence to use CNC programs and now understand the basics of 3D printing better and also how the materials in 3D printing can be used and combined with woodworking.
    working with strangers
    My English improved. I noticed that I can teach, for example, safe work practices.
    Working with people from other countries was funny and very effective to learn communication in English.
    The new skills i acquired is the vocabulary.
    Work with various programs to implement the planning and construction of your own projects
    I learned how to communicate ideas without always knowing the right words and fixing things on the go. We learned how to work with woodwop, sketch up and the CNC which we did not have a chance to before.
    This exchange Program is great for the reason that I know know how to use the CNC-machine and how I "write" and I produced the Program to work with new technology. If I have my own printer, i would know now how to handle this prozess and I could make my own projekts.
    By using cnc I will be able to work faster and get repeatable results.
    I learned other ways of working on traditional machines, programming with Woodwop and the use of another CNC machine.
    More experience with making programs for the CNC machine. New skills with working with this kind of CNC, which offers more opportunities for me in my future work. Working with 3D printing was a completely new skill for me. Also making the cabinet out of boards instead of wood was new for me.
    I din´t really aquire any new skills during this project, which i will use when working in the workshop, maybe the work with sketchup would be something i will do more often in the future, but not for work, just for private purposes
    Improving communication in the English language. Learning new skills from both students and teachers.
    Improving communication in the English language. Meeting different workflows.

  2. How well did the exchange program work for you while in Liberec?
    It worked very well Thanks to the Czech guys for completely perfect week
    I had a fantastic time with all the teachers and the students. Being part of an international exchange is always a challenge, but the experience is always rewarding and unforgettable. Seeing how the other students and teachers work with different techniques is something I greatly appreciate as it contributes to my learning experience. I would like to do it again and recommend it to others.
    It was really good enjoyed it pretty well.
    It was nice, I enjoyed it
    All round very well
    It works quite good, the groups finished their work on the wardrobes within the time. There were no accidents on the machines
    It was well organised and structured. For me, there was no idle time and that's a positive thing
    Beautiful place for the school! Nice school and really committed teachers. Really a big applause for Tomas and Vasek. They did a really really good job. All of it was a little slow and there was too many teachers who interfered.
    Good, but I want see more from the city, instead we have no time
    It worked well. i had a lot of fun and learned a lot about the other languages and traditions
    Worked well for me, well organized and always a pleasure to meet other people and see different approaches
    I think that all the students were real good together and they work very good and discuss good what was to do.
    Everything was very well tought out and the staff had made good and a in the matter of time frame, realistic programs for us to follow.
    It was a very good experience
    It worked well, iI learned how to have a better communication in English
    For me the exchange program work is very well.
    It was easy to develop a common daily routine and pleasant communication with all participants. everyone was open-minded and open to learning new things. the participants were not shy about expressing their needs and questions out loud. very pleasant.
    The exchange program was really fun and informative. There were many chances to learn a new approach from someone else. Working in groups with new people was a nice change to my usual day. The school itself was also very inspiring in the way it displays the students work.
    I liked to wake up every day and go to the Workshop and see something of the city, the students and the prozess every technology.
    I had a great time in Liberec and it is always nice to meet new people from other countries to share knowledge
    I exchanged a lot with participants from other countries which allowed me to practice my English. It was very nice.
    Very well, everything was planned with great detail and I was learning a lot every day. I gained new skills that I will be able to use in my own studies and work later and I also got a lot of inspiration for future projects. All the arrangements in Liberec were successful and the program went smoothly. Visits to the factory and university were fun and interesting.
    It worked pretty well, there were some interesting excursions, a fun project in the workshop and everything seemed well organised.
    The work was very inspiring. We learned new production methods. They found new friends and learned other technological procedures in production.
    The work was nice. Seeing students from different countries work together. And finally everyone reached the goal.

  3. List any proposals you have which might enhance the program for future participants
    Please add a little bit more space in the afternoon especially for sightseeing or some culturelle things
    Perhaps, fewer teachers on the shop floor to minimize confusion among the students. Another suggestion would be to assign a teacher to the groups for either the week, or rotate daily so everyone gets to work with the different teachers in a more structured setting.
    Better english in some cases and bring people that can work with woodwop.
    Everything went well. I can't say what needs to be improved
    Take care about the safety regulations on the machines. Use a forward machine on the router if you have 200 meters to route. Ask the students not to wear wide clothes on the circular saw.
    If technical drawings are issued, individual part drawings would be good. That would reduce the time I needed to familiarise myself with the design.
    When seaching for students to participate you could tell more about what the project is about. If I had known that it was CNC I wouldn’t have said yes. You could also put one or two teachers in the groups so they also had things to do because as it was right now all the teachers had something to say and that didn’t work well.
    I want see more from the city, instead we have no time.
    I have none proposal. it was all good.
    From the perspective of working in teams and with new people the teachers could be les involved in the beginning so the students could get to now each other while studying the work and making a plan how to start the work.
    I was satisfied with the program.
    It is worth letting the students do more independently. The teacher would guide how the student could implement his own solutions, and not force all students to do things the same way.
    I don't have any proposal to enhance the progran, it was all good.
    It might be advantageous to discuss the project and make the drawings fully understandable for everyone before parts of it are programmed and / or manufactured. not all participants were fully aware of the design.
    Maybe future participants could try to not only talk to the same people and not stress too much about finishing the project because there are a lot of people who are more than happy to help when you are short on time.
    The preparation of the assignment could be slightly better. At the online meeting I got the understanding that there would be use of standard machines as well as cnc. An introduction to the materials used would be nice as well, like something about the reusability.
    Have information written in English.
    It might be beneficial to deliver the technical drawings to the students in advance, a week or so. This way they could familiarize themselves with the designs in advance and save time in the actual workshop. During the week it could be good to have a day-to-day schedule for the workshop so that it would be easier to allocate working time for different parts of the project. For example in our group no one had used WoodWop before or worked with chip board/laminate, so we spent too much time on the programming and had to do the assembly in great hurry, which was a bit stressful for students and teachers alike. It might also be useful to assign a certain one teacher for each group so that it would be clear for everyone who is in charge of advising which group. We were very grateful for all the assistance form the teachers, especially Tomas and Vacek. But sometimes it was difficult to focus when there were manyy teachers advising us at the same time. It is better to give the students a few minutes to try and resolve any.
    The idea of E rasmus is great. Unfortunately, it is extremely time-consuming. I would suggest a smaller number of schools involved in the project so that more students from each school can participate. I also think that it would be enough for only one teacher to drive. This would reduce the time required for schools and involve more pupils for whom we do the Erasmus.
    Erasmus is the best thing for students during their studies. They learn to cooperate and communicate with different nations. People can experience the environment of the state first hand.

  4. Please share any other comments you have which are not covered in this evaluation
    I have no comments to add as I really enjoyed my time here in Liberec!
    I think that Vasek and Tomas needs to learn english some more. It sounds disturbing.
    Thanks to Tomas and Vasek for this very good activity week in Liberec. Very good to go to the Tanpa company and to go to the robot department of the university of Liberec.
    The project was great to work on in a small team. It was great that each group was able to use all the techniques, i.e. CNC and classic machines. It was also easy to get to the school by public transport and the catering on site was great.
    Really great to meet people from other countries and work with them.
    It was goog for refresh my knowledge about Woodwop and CNC.
    Maybe each group of students should be appointed 2 teachers per group during the week to work with.
    The schedule was realistic and everything run smootly.
    The project is a valuable way to expand thinking about woodworking. The arrangements in Liberec have been successful. Thanks.
    It was my first trip without my family, and it was perfect!
    It would be nice if there was more personal time in the afternoon to explore the city and the surrounding area.
    It was very nice to see how much fun everyon had. And also how much the chezch teachers/school cared about their students and their work. Even though it must have been stressful to organize everyone was very helpful and kind and also willing to make time for jokes. The teachers were also very good at explaining things in english.
    I am thankfull that i could be in a Technikal Institut and i have seen and touched how 3D- Printer work and how big the potential in this technology for peoples with handicaps and workplacemnets be.
    Thank you for a lovely time in Liberec.
    It was very pleasant to work and communicate with all these nice people.
    It was nice to get to know other students and teachers from other countries :)
    I really like meeting other teachers and students. The organization for the host school is demanding, but I find it very beneficial. I would like to participate in further realizations. When more students can join. Thank you for the organization.
    I like to meet new teachers and students from different countries.