Self/evaluation for teachers/Students of Erasmus+

Joiner 4.0 – 2023-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000154860
Key competences for VET Joiners

Workpackage 3 Activity 3 – Lübeck 20.01.2025 – 24.01.2025

Results oft the activity:


Number of participants:


Increase of competences:

95 %


How would you rate your knowledge and understanding of reading the drawings presented for the standing desk/triangular side table project produced in Lübeck?

Very good - 100 %

How would you rate your knowledge and understanding of how the 3D CAD Pytha program works?

Good - 91 %

How would you rate your knowledge and understanding of basic programming with Woodwop 8 (for example: geometrics, milling, contour routing and drilling)?

Good - 83 %

How would you rate your knowledge and understanding of how to produce a standing desk/triangular side table with the standard stationary machines (router, planar, Circular Saw, etc.) as well as the CNC

Good - 96 %

How would you rate your knowledge and understanding of the relevant English terminology for joinery and machinery?

Good - 92 %

How would you rate your own competence (skills) of working in a team situation with students from other countries?

Very good - 100 %

How satisfied are you with the training activities you experienced in Lübeck?

Good - 96 %

How satisfied are you with the social activities and the way you learned each other to know (students)?

Very good - 100 %

  1. Briefly describe the new skills you acquired which will enhance your individual working routine.
    I learned to work with the Shaper Tool machine and programming the CNC.

    I learned many things about woodwop an how important working with the cnc will be in the future. My working routine was getting more confident.

    I came to Lübeck without any deep knowledge about WoodWop. After this week with the workshops and the on-hand project, I now feel very confident in understanding the program and using it to produce several parts on the CNC. The program really managed to fulfill my expectations!

    Work alone for discribe the future operation.

    I finally got to know how does the CNC machine works. Also some machines like presses etc. And definitely my english got an upgrade.

    I work bether in a group of joiner.

    Yes i learned some new things at the machines and i got some new expirience with my english.

    Nice to have some repitition on how you operate the machines.

    I like very much to learn more about Pytha and woodwop.

    I learned how to use a dowell machine.

    I learned how to work with a team here.

    Always learns something new and useful that can be used in the future.

    I got a better understanding of how to work with woodwop, whish we also have on one of our own machines.

    I learnt with one the teachers how to make some Instagram Videos, pictures to send, to share, which could be very useful with my students or for my own use.

    The possibilities of digitalization.

    Collaboration with students and colleagues. Production procedures and work on machines. Machine setup, CNC.

    Ja, es war sehr gut und ich habe neues gefunden und ich möchte das in praxis bringen.

    I have learned new programming techniques in woodwop that I can now pass on to my colleagues.

    Got trained in WW.

    We learnt how to program different operations in Woodwop and how to run them on the CNC machine. I spoke in English with different people for the planning and discussed different approaches to find the best solution.

    I learned how to work with the laser machine to draw some Holstentor in beech wood and in Linoleum.


  2. How well did the exchange program work for you while in Lübeck?

    Very very well, good organization and nice students and teachers.

    It was way better than I expected. I learned many things and met nice persons.

    The exchange program worked very well, as stated in the answer before. I also apreciate the exchange with young people of different nationalities.

    very good.

    I think it worked really good, we enjoyed it and those teachers here were awesome.

    it´s very good but my englisch is bad so it´s dificult to exchange with a other person.

    I think the program works very well.

    Very good. Also very nice to be in a group where one of the people is from the school. That way you don´t have to involve the teachers quite as much.

    I find it was a great week and everybody was real friendly. And it was also nice to have a side program for the teachers.

    It worked ok. During this project I didn´t get to learn much about new techniques or software due to my selection of the project.

    The experience was great.

    It was very educational, to discuss different ways of working with teachers from other countries. The teacher project was also very good as it made us work together even more.

    The exchange program was really good. The atmosphere was fairly cool between everybody and I think the students got on very well; I appreciated the different exchanges they had together to find solutions or to share some tips. Of course the cultural part was very interesting, despite cold conditions, and the visit in the company...awesome. I really appreciated to make an extra project because I could participate with the teachers team, and I had great time.

    Full well.

    Lübeck is a beatiful city and I met nice people. I liked everything here, good organization, I will only praise.

    Program Work in Lübeck is very good form because it is practival work. I got new knowledge about CNC work and it was very good atmosphere in all teams from all schools.

    Excellent, we were very well introduced to the processes in the workshop. The communication between the people from different countries was very fruitful.

    Always nice to participate and share knowledge, and seeing other workways.

    The exchange program was very well prepared and the workshop documents were easy to understand. The projects were well timed and visible for the trainees. The welcome from our colleagues in Lübeck was very warm.

    Very well, the weather was not so nice.


  3. List any proposals you have which might enhance the program for future participants.

    I don`t have any.

    Also students from the first year should get the chance to join.

    I don't have any proposals. I find the structure of the week very well thought through. The stay at the youth hostel was good as well.

    Intresting, fun, only good vibes.

    Yesterday, when we finished, I was wondering to make something on my own. Like dices or something, I think not only me would like to bring something home from Erasmus+ but I understand, that it would be hard and it would take soo much time.

    If i could, I want to make another erasmus because I very enjoy this.

    For me its important that my information intake come directly from the ones who´s explaining a process. Example: At the stair company, there had to be a constant translation. And in by doing so, i think a lot of the original information provided gets lost in the translation.

    I´d prefer smaller group size or at least make sure the students have clear tasks for everyone so that nobody feels left out.

    I hope this program continues to progress in this way.

    I can't really say what should be improved. The arrangements work great all week.

    I think it would be good if there were organized some social (perhaps active) activities for the students and teachers in the first days, where the focus would be on getting to know more about each other.

    To make extra projects for the teachers while the students work.

    In my opinion, there was nothing to improve. Practical exercises are very good where real products are made.

    I can't think of anything.

    Ich glaube alles ist gut.

    I have no suggestions for improvement for this project week. For me it was an A+.

    There could be arranged some social activities for the participating students to bond them all together, instead of they mainly build a social connection to the students they directly are in the workgroup with.

    I have no suggestions for improvement. Everything was well prepared and looked after. The trainees were able to find many solutions themselves.

    Some free time in the late afternoon during the week.

  4. Please share any other comments you have which are not covered in this evaluation:

    More time for visiting the old part of the town, more free time.

    I had a lot of fun.

    I am verry happy to do this thing here, with a good and funny person. All person (student, teacher) as intresting to know your self, all are a good thing because your acquired a lot of news things.

    I think I should mention the treatment from teachers to students. It was really good, I was feeling comfortable and everytime someone didnt know something, the teacher came and happily explained or helped with the certain thing.


    I like the people from Lübeck, beacause they take a care of us, specialy for czechia guys. And the lunchies was very nice.

    Everyone is very friendly! :D

    Good job thank you.

    Over all nice experience to meet new people and see how things are done here in Germany. I would have liked to known the level of the project a bit more before starting the project so I could`ve put myself under more challenge.

    Everything was good here.

    This kind of activity week is very interesting and increases one's skills. all in all, participating in something like this is a great opportunity.

    Overall I think it has been a very good week, but I think it is important to ensure, that everyone who participates can speak/understand basic english, which was not the case this time.

    I had a very nice exchange program: this really gives me the motivation to do some mobilities. I think it´ very rewarding for all of us.

    The spirit of the week was very good. Everyone participated commendably in doing the tasks.

    I would like to thank everyone who participated in this event. It was a good experience for me and I would love to meet you again sometime.

    In my opinion all things were good organized and the Lübeck teacher did the maximum. It was very good and I would be glad to see all once again.

    This was a great project that cannot be improved.

    To see and experience the difference between industrial and traditional woodworking, it would be nice to have a combined projekt.

    Many thanks for the nice week. I learnt a lot of things.

    It was a very intense working week and I learnd so many new ways to work with digital tool in the workshop. Even the visit to Treppenbau Voss was very good to see how the CNC machines produces stairways and steps. The digital measurement I didn´t know before and the presentation of it was very good.