Stade Report Work package 3 - Activity 2


Sunday, 01.12.2024 - Friday, 06.12.2024


8:15 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.


Jobelmann Schule Stade


Students: Friedrich Brons, Jasper Guntlisbergen, Toni Tervo, Emil Erkkilä, Theo Placet, Ludovic Heinis, Mathilde Bendtzen Marott, Lukas Svennesen, Jiri Sreiber, Krystof Dytrych, Samantha Prigge, Leonie Lichtenberg, Sebastian Hedicke.


Teachers: Judith Köpke, David Schütz, Milan Sadek, Tomas Jakubicka, Arkadiusz Kulon, Thorsten Schmaltz, Isabelle Ladrat, Pascal Michel, Visa Meisalmi, Jukka Jussila, Hans Janssen, Ulli Fregin, Volker Claußen, Thorsten Brunkhorst.

Sunday, 01.12.2024

Every country arrived in Stade on Sunday and stayed over in Havenhostel. We were expected in Jobelmann Schule at 8.30 a.m. on Monday morning.

Monday, 02.12.2024

After a brief introduction of each of us, and some further explanations of the program of the day, we decided to organize the work groups: three groups of four students with one teacher referent. This would allow each group to take turns in the different workshops (Wood Wop/ Cutting rough and fine/ Thickness planer and circular saw).


The project of the week was to make a Systainer storage box in oak, in using wood that came from an old farm. Let’s not forget that our Erasmus Project is directly linked to the ‘green Erasmus’, that is upcycling.

The major idea of the project was also to use the CNC machine and stationery machines, as well as the Shaper hand router. For this reason, we had a training on Pytha and WoodWop software in the morning.

After lunch, we started the project. First of all, every part of the storage box had to be cut roughly with the circular saw (left and right sides, front/back pieces, the lid, panels, profile and reinforcing bars).  After this process, the students used different stationery machines like the thickness planer, the jointer planer, the planer or the moulding machine. They worked during the whole day until 4.00 p.m. At 7.00 p.m. we had a dinner in the city center before going back to the hotel.

Tuesday, 03.12.2024

The students went back to work where they left off. Some were still working on the traditional machines, using the thickness machine and sanding their pieces. Some were using the CNC machine in order to make the holes for the dowels, and the rebates, while some were working on the assembling of the lid and the top, gluing the parts together, or working on the assembling of the box.

In the afternoon, the students took it in turns to work on their different steps of their project: one of the group was using the milling machine to make the grooves on the back pieces of the box while another group was focusing on the bevel cutting (45° angle degree) with the portative router. The last group was cutting their panels in order to get the top and the lid correctly cut, and assembled to the box.

We finished work at 4.00 p.m. and had a BBQ time with sausages and drinks in the workshop.

Wednesday, 04.12.2024

After talking about the course of the day, the students went back to work where they left off. All of them worked very fast and very efficiently: they were working on different steps like assembling the box with the lid and the top, sanding or cutting the handle with the template.

It was decided that every group would have a training on the Shaper digital machine in order to design the logo of our respective schools which would be stuck to the front panel on each storage box. It was said that group 1 would start with this training while their box would be drying.

Most of the groups were at the same stage of work: assembling, gluing and fixing with clamps, another group was focusing on the handle bar using the hand router in order to get a rounded shape handle, while other students were gluing and fixing the two front panels.

At 3.00 p.m. we finished work earlier in order to allow people to get free time, do some shopping or visit the area. In the evening, students had dinner time altogether and went to the bowling.

Thursday, 05.12.2024

David and Judith talked about the course of the day: students had to finish their project at lunch before cleaning the workshop. Then we were expected to visit a company in the afternoon, before going to the restaurant for dinner time.

This morning, it was all about sanding the pieces with sandpaper or with portable sanding machines, but it was also all about fixing the handle with threaded inserts und washer, drilling the locker system in order to screw it with a threaded insert, screwing the pianohinges, drilling the small lockers bits before fixing the whole locker system and gluing the feet.

After 2:00 p.m. we took the bus to go to visit the company Tischlerei Kamann: the firm is composed of a team of 40 people who take on the challenge of making custom furniture with the greatest care and precision every day. To achieve this, they work closely with renowned architects and interior designers in Hamburg, together with whom they develop solutions for their customers - from planning to installation. We had the chance to visit the showroom, and the different workshops/machines. That was an interesting time of sharing knowledge and experience, and asking questions.

At 5.30 p.m. we were invited to Viebrocks Gasthaus where we could enjoy fresh country cuisine in a warm atmosphere altogether.

Friday, 06.12.2024

This morning marked the end of the project, and we firstly did the global evaluation on the computer, then we took pictures of all of the students with their storage boxes, and with the teachers too. It was also the time of awarding a certificate to each of us, saying goodbye before leaving and going back home.