Self/evaluation for teachers/participants of Erasmus+

Joiner 4.0 – 2023-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000154860
Key competences for VET Joiners

Workpackage 3 Activity 2 – Stade 02.12.2024 – 06.12.2024

Results oft the activity:


Number of participants:


Increase of competences:

88 %


How would you rate your knowledge and understanding of reading the drawings presented for the festool toolbox project produced in Stade?

Very good - 100 %

How would you rate your knowledge and understanding of how the CAD/CAM programs works?

Good - 96 %

How would you rate your knowledge and understanding of how to use the CAM program for the production with the CNC-machine?

Good - 96 %

How would you rate your knowledge and understanding of basic programming with Woodwop 8 (for example: geometrics, milling, contour routing and drilling)?

Good - 96 %

How would you rate your knowledge and understanding of how to produce a stackable toolbox with the standard stationary machines (router, planar, Circular Saw, etc. ) as well as the CNC machinery and shaper tool?

Very good - 100 %

How would you rate your knowledge and understanding of the relevant English terminology for joinery and machinery?

Good - 88 %

How would you rate your own competence (skills) of working in a team situation with students from other countries?

Good - 92 %

How would you rate your increasing of own competence in the work with recycled wood on the machines?

Good - 88 %

How satisfied are you with the training activities you experienced in Stade?

Good - 92 %

How satisfied are you with the social activities and the way you learned each other to know (students)?

Good - 92 %

  1. Briefly describe the new skills you acquired which will enhance your individual working routine.
    I learned a lot about working with shapertool. I learned some new things about the CAM transfer from CAD (Pytha) and bringing the single pieces to CNC production

    I liked very much the working with woodwop and some machines that we don´t have in our country.


    comprehensive learning throughout the week

    I learned much about the Shaper programming. Already I have increasing competences in the woodwop programming.

    I learned a lot about Woodwop. I am now able to compare different cam programs.

    I learn how to work with new machines witch are modern.

    I think the overview of different steps it takes to produce this box. This overview i can take with me for other projects. Also the different set ups i learned at the stationary router for making the handles and also on the circular saw the set up for tap slis joint was a very good experience

    I learned Woodwop programing, drilling, milling, simulating, placing workpiece,ect

    I learned about different ways to do things with different machines. I also learned a lot about how to utilise the cnc and the shaper in projects.

    I acquired skills on woodwop and cnc.Overall competence developed and especially woodwop understanding

    Working with the CNC machine as well as getting to know stationary machines better. Understanding three dimentional bodies and how to put wood together to create a workpiece. Getting an eye for detail and being able to figure mistakes out by myself and how to fix them

    Working with recycled wood has been new to me. It taught me to pay a lot more attention when choosing the wood and how to prepare it (cutting it in a way that allowed for a good end result for example). Also working with the shaper. Altough I wish there had been a little bit more time to actually work with it.

    I appreciated to see how teachers brought some tips to the students when they were coping with difficulties.

    I learned about the way how to use the shaper router tool and processes.

    I learned something new from woodwop, how to stop the program and continue on the part from the other side

    I learned how to set up the CNC machine and produce various programmes. I also learned a lot about the interplay between analogue and modern working techniques.

    I acquired some technical working routine like doing every time something for the project, and try to make my best for have a project very good.

    I learned how to use WoodWop & Pytha to create drawings. I'm familiar with other CAD & design programs, but these were new to me. Learning these will also help me use other programs better. I learned to use the shaper. I learned to use recycled wood better.

    I learned to use CNC more profoundly too. I got a lot of new tips, tricks & knowledge using the regular machinery & tools from the teachers & the other students.

    The most important new skills i learned where definetly working in WoodWOP and learning to Programm the Files for/on the CNC. Seeming somewhat difficult at first - coming from a point of never having worked with something simmilar - the introduction to the programm was very clear and paved the way of a steep learning curve. The end result was not just basic understanding of programming and machining of/on the CNC, but a feeling of confidence and familiarity in the field.

    I have learned to communicate with other people about technical tasks in English

    Work safety and the use of standard machines in the workshop have become more natural.  In the future, the implementation of new projects will be less strenuous.

    This was my first time working with WoodWOP, and I was surprised by how clear and easy to understand the program is. Furthermore, working with the Shaper was very interesting, and I believe I will make use of these experiences in the future. Additionally, I had the opportunity to try out several new auxiliary tools that make working with machines easier and simplify machine setup, which speeds up the process.

  2. How well did the exchange program work for you while in Stade?

    It was a perfectly prepared week !!! Thanks to the whole team from Stade

    I was hapy from all the exchange that happen the hall week. And I find that the mostly people were real simpathics ones.

    I was happy from all the exchange that happen the whole week. And I find that the mostly people were real simpathics ones.

    this is an excellent way to gain and exchange know-how between different countries

    Very good. The program was good. The collaboration was good.
    Very well, there was always competent help from the teachers if guidance was needed. The other students i learned a lot from becauseof the way they do it in their country might not always be the same as in ours. The understanding of what you can do on different machines deffinetly was enhanced. It is nice to both work with othger teachers and also with students in the groups because when you work together like this you will be pushed to explain and communicate, which i think is a huge step in improving our joinery skills.

    It was wellplaned and coordinated. Evrything work well. It was good. The city is nice and the school is good, the food was really good. The accomodation was good and i really enjoyed my time.

    Although it got a little chaotic at times it was a great experience nonetheless and as a group we ended up putting together two functioning and good looking systainers

    Since I'm from Stade my experience surely must have been a little different than it was for the guests. I still had a really good time getting to know them and there were enough chances to spend time with them because we were invited to multiple activities. :)

    It did work very well, it was a really nice and supportive group, working with efficiency and fast. Very quiet group with pleasant students, and the teachers were very helpful too.

    I felt very comfortable here, everything went smoothly and smoothly. did everything get better? working on the shaper, I would connect the drive so that they could play with the machines more and try out more possibilities. this time they had about 20 minutes, which I think is short for such great technology

    The exchange just past very well, we do every time something and we learn a technic from other country so It past very fast for me , unfortunately my education to english in france was not very good, but I understand the most word and sentence from this trip.

    It worked great. I got way more out of this than I even expected. The teachers were very friendly & helpful. All the other students were great & taught me a lot too. I learned some German & new things from all the different cultures present. We got to work a lot & train new techniques.

    The exchange program worked really well for me. I learned really much in the field of CAD/CAM and CNC'ing, but on the other - for me even more important - hand learned to communicate in multilangual groups - discussing workflows and getting to know students from other european countries and their edjucation systems and working habbits.

    The program worked very well. Almost all the preliminary considerations and planning steps made sense and helped the project to run smoothly.

    I had high expectations for this program, and I must say that Erasmus has exceeded them. The entire weekend was fantastic. Everything was planned down to the last detail. The project and drawings were well explained to us in advance, and the work in the workshops and on the CNC machines was excellently organized, allowing us to work smoothly without long waiting times. Additionally, a very interesting project (Festool box) was chosen, which perfectly fit into our week-long schedule. Our free time was also filled with amazing activities, such as shared dinners, a visit to the Christmas markets, and bowling, where we had the chance to get to know each other better and bond.


  3. List any proposals you have which might enhance the program for future participants.
    Maybe a special team event for the students on the first day maybe in the evening, to getting to know each better and breanking the shyness between them.

    The bowling activitie that the students had one evening was a great idea.

    Everything worked fine, even the social aspects in the teams.

    The routing of the parts i believe was not on the drawing and these would have been fine to have.
    Because a huge part of this program was supposed to also bee knowing the shaper and the programming, I would personally propose having more time to "play" with the shaper, as when that is for me when i will learn the most. We had the name tags and the logos, but this was already pre set and we were to only push a button and the shaper would do the rest. I made a little hobby project and from this little project i actually learned the most on shaper. 

    Maybe little learning about professional language, some words in all 5 languages plus english about wood, maschine ect.

    I can't really think of anything. Everything that we brought up the last time was taken into consideration and has been changed. Like having the teachers be a little bit more on the sidelines and letting the students just try to figure it out. I think this project has been very well organized. The only thing that would have been great would be working with the shaper a little more.

    I would like to hear the program for the day every morning and information about the following day in the evening. otherwise everything was handled perfectly. Thank you very much for a wonderful week, you did a great job.

    I would suggest to make even more precise plans for the student project (Toolbox), but leave a small part out so that the students have to figure it out themselves.
    e.g. 80% of the plan would be done ready & be very precise with all the measurements & how to make each part, then the students would have to figure out the last 20% themselves. Both the measurements & how to make the parts
    It would give them experience with following the plan & also figuring things out.
    Only tips & help when asked from the teachers.


  4. Please share any other comments you have which are not covered in this evaluation:

    Excellent preparing the activity in stade with producing the tool boxes. The choice of the machine box, the producing of single drawings for every part of the box, the preparing of the old wood and the continuing work of the Stade teachers during the week.  The machinery park was in a very good condition. The mixed europeen teams worked very good together. Thanks.

    I like how we had a social evening planned, i think this should be a given in any project because the vibe was different then with the teachers. People were getting to know each other more and learning about each others culture which for me was very nice. It gave perspective on the joiner industry all over different countries. Plus it gave a nice atmosphere for the rest of the trip.

    We have to learn more about reusing wood, how to prepare for production.

    As somebody who thought to be quite proficient in the English language I still learned something new hence I never had to use vocabulary regarding wood work, but finally we all found ways to communicate with each other and overcame a certain language barrier. In my opinion it requires a great chemistry to understand each other even though you do not speak the same language. Additionally, everybody has their own approach on joinery and learned it differently. Also, everybody has their own expectations so you have to find a common ground and agree as a group what step to take.

    The visit of the company was very interesting, the size of it is very impressive, I really liked the showroom. As for the dinner in Viebrock Gasthaus, I had a wonderful experience: the dishes and the service were great. The host teachers did a very organized job, the week was perfect, I really enjoyed the way things were presented with the colour papers stuck on the blackboard.

    The list of my positive comments would be very long. I pick only two. First: extremely well prepared concerning the materials and processes. The staff are a team of experts. I was enjoying to work here. Second: for some reasons I analyzed the PYTHA - drawing more particularly and I must say that this must have been an incredible amount of workload. It was brilliantly done, a perfect result to serve as the basis for the week. Many thanks to the STADE team.

    You have a wonderful school. It is important how the director supports you, appreciate it, unfortunately not every school has that. Your work environment is really very comfortable and safe, I would really like to have that in our school. Thank you very much for your care and warm welcome. I will miss you.

    The project was very well organized. I always had the right contact person for my questions!

    I really enjoyed this week, got a lot of experience & had fun. I think this is a great program for students to learn new skills, techniques, co-operation & make connections.

    Having no experience in projects like ERASMUS beforehand, i could never imagine how much fun this would be. I made really good friends in the project and would really recommend it to people interested in furthering their horizon in the filled of digitalization and international joinery/carpentry.

    I would like to sincerely thank you for the opportunity to spend this amazing week in Stade and for the chance to meet new friends through Erasmus. I have just one request: please continue with this project! You are doing an excellent job, and our craft needs you.